Javier Diaz-Infante




A Certified Usability Analyst with over 10 years of experience creating and improving web/mobile experiences. With a strong focus on the user, my objective is to create designs that are clean, inviting, and easy-to use. Ensuring users are productive, engaged and satisfied with each visit.

Tools I use/Languages I know:

Photoshop, Illustrator, OmniGraffle, Axure, Dreamweaver, MS Office, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


With the "User" being the focus of every design, I've developed a wide range of tools and techniques which I employ in my design process. Theses tools are used to help define information architecture, user profiles and create use cases which help guide my design concepts.

Services I employ:

Design Research, Information Architecture, Interaction Design, Visual Design, Product Design, Content Mapping, Storyboarding, Wireframing, Functional Specifications, Style Guides.


With excellent communication skills and the ability to quickly adapt, I am able to effectively convey design recommendations in a palatable way. Having had the opportunity to work with many teams, I’ve developed the communication skills to effectively express my design ideas and recommendations.

My Process:

For discovery and early stages of design, I sketch and use prototyping tools for rapid design cycles. Proficient in HTML and CSS, I can deliver HTML mockups for user testing and design validation.


On Tap


Beach Bum


Car Enthusiast


Road Junkie

Hi, I am Javier Diaz-Infante, a UX/UI designer based out of Mountain View California. On my down-time, I enjoy many of the outdoor activities the area has to offer. I'm often biking on country roads or hiking local trails. I like classc cars, I brew beer and I am fascinated with new technologies.


Say Hello

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